Ali-A Joins The Fortnite Icon Series

Fortnite content creator Ali-A has revealed his Icon Series Set during a live YouTube broadcast to over 40,000 viewers.
Ali-A's very own Icon Series Set will be available to purchase through the in-game Item Shop on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 8PM ET. Players will also be able to compete in the Ali-A Cup for the chance to earn a new Spray and Emoticon for free. You can read more about the Ali-A Cup here.
What's in the Set?

Ali-A's Icon Series Set contains the following cosmetics:
- Ali-A Outfit
- Ali-Tech Backplate Back Bling
- Ali-Tech Staff Pickaxe
- Ali-Tech Plasmawings Glider
- Lil' Diplodoculus Emote
- The Blue A Wrap
- Ali-A Was Here Spray
- Ali-A Army Emoticon

The Ali-A Outfit includes eight different styles: Elevated, Matroix, Ultra-Armor Matroix, Sapphire Paragon, Sapphire Paragon (Revealed), Titanium Tac, and Titanium Tac (Revealed) and the default Style. The Outfit, Back Bling, Pickaxe and Glider all include four additional styles which will allow players to choose from blue, green, purple or orange for the light's colour.

Ali-A's Icon Series Emote, Lil' Diplodoculus, features the YouTuber's iconic intro song:
Ali-A's Island
Alongside his Icon Series cosmetics, Ali-A has also revealed a new Creative map to celebrate his arrival. Drop into this island, grab a weapon at the entrance, and battle it out in the underground arena with bits of Fortnite history. The Island code for this creative experience is 5135-8778-2901.

In other news, RoboCop has arrived in the Fortnite Item Shop.
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