In a recent Fortnite hot-fix, three weapons were vaulted, one weapon was unvaulted and some more balance changes were made. This is a rare occurrence where balance changes have been made to multiple items including vaultings in a non content update or regular patch.
Here are the patch notes:
Weapons & Items
Vaulted- Combat Shotgun
- Drum Shotgun
- Proximity Launcher
- Suppressed Assault Rifle (Epic/Legendary)
- The Automatic Sniper was underperforming relative to some of the other Sniper Rifles. This adjustment to damage should make it more desirable as an alternative long-range weapon.
- Increased damage from 31/33/35 to 40/42/44
B.R.U.T.ELowered the spawn rate of the B.R.U.T.E in Storm phases 3-6 in core modes. Arena spawn rates will remain unchanged.
- With this change, we’re hoping to reduce the impact of B.R.U.T.Es on late-game scenarios, while retaining their presence in the early game.
- Storm phase 3
- New spawn rates
- 33.3% chance to spawn 0
- 33.3% chance to spawn 1
- 33.3% chance to spawn 2
- Old spawn rates
- 25% chance to spawn 0
- 25% chance to spawn 1
- 25% chance to spawn 2
- 25% chance to spawn 3
- New spawn rates
- Storm phase 4
- New spawn rates
- 50% chance to spawn 0
- 50% chance to spawn 1
- Old spawn rates
- 33.3% chance to spawn 0
- 33.3% chance to spawn 1
- 33.3% chance to spawn 2
- New spawn rates
- Storm phase 5
- New spawn rates
- 83.4% chance to spawn 0
- 16.6% chance to spawn 1
- Old spawn rates
- 50% chance to spawn 0
- 50% chance to spawn 1
- New spawn rates
- Storm phase 6
- New spawn rates
- Will no longer spawn.
- Old spawn rates
- 90% chance to spawn 0
- 10% chance to spawn 1
- New spawn rates
- Storm phase 3
- Increased the duration of spiciness from Peppers to a 60-second duration from a 20-second duration.
- This POI is intended to be a high-risk, high-reward drop location, but we feel the reward has outweighed the risk. By reducing the availability of Obelisks, gathering rare loot will require a little more time investment.
- Reduced the maximum number of Spawn Obelisks from 7 to 5.
Increased the time before Spawn Obelisks respawn to a max of 30 seconds (previously a max of 5 seconds).
- The respawn timer for Spawn Obelisks is on a loop and time may vary between 1-30 seconds.
- Decreased the chance to drop Rocket Launchers from destroyed Spawn Obelisks from 18.46% to 10%
- Decreased the chance to drop Jump Pads from destroyed Spawn Obelisks from 50% to 40%