Fortnite has released the third part of the Star Wars 'Find the Force' Quests, giving players the chance to earn the final Sith Holocron. Players who complete all Quests and unlock all three Holocrons will receive the Sith Infiltrator Glider.

Fall of The Republic Quests
- Help defeat Darth Vader (1)
- Eliminate clone troopers (2)
- Survive Storm Circles while carrying a Star Wars weapon (5)
- Damage an opponent within 30 seconds of landing from the Battle Bus (1)
- Slide distance with a lightsaber or DC-15 Blaster equipped (25)
- Deal damage to opponents while sliding or crouched (25)
- Visit Landmarks in different matches (3)
- Use Ascenders or Ziplines at night (3)
- Deal damage to opponents from above (66)
- Eliminate enemy players in a single match (3)
- Damage opponents with a lightsaber or melee weapon (250) [3 stages]
- Damage enemy players within 10 metres (1,000) [3 stages]

The 'First Galactic Empire' Quests will go live in five days. All Find the Force Quests will remain available until May 23, 2023.
In other news, the upcoming Goku Black Outfit has been leaked by the PlayStation Store. Click here to read more.
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