With the FNCS Invitational 2022 just two days away, Fortnite has revealed new cosmetic drops that players can earn by tuning into the live coverage on November 12th and 13th.
FNCS Drops
Players can tune in to watch.fortnite.com, Legends Landing or any drops-supported Twitch channel during November 12th and 13th to earn the new cosmetics. The following items can be earned by watching the FNCS Invitational 2022 broadcast:
- Badge of Honor Back Bling
- Champions Only Loading Screen
- Head of the Pack Spray
- GG Crowned Emoticon
Watch FNCS Online
Anyone can watch the championship series coverage online through the official FNCS live stream. The broadcast can also be watched at any of the links below:
English coverage of EU, NAE and NAW:
Portuguese coverage of BR:
Japanese coverage of ASIA:
Legends Landing
Players can also watch the FNCS coverage in-game at Legends Landing, which is a Creative map that can be accessed using code [3303-7480-5925].

Legends Landing Quests
Players who complete three of the following FNCS Quests in Legends Landing will be rewarded with the Malik's Victory Loading Screen:
- Collect the coin at the FNCS Legends Landing theatre (1)
- Purchase an outline or contrail at FNCS Legends Landing (1)
- Hit shooting gallery targets at FNCS Legends Landing (5)
- Build structures in a box fight arena at FNCS Legends Landing (6)

In other news, the new Dial-A-Drop item can now be found in-game. Click here to read more.
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