Fortnite has released the third hotfix for Season 4, introducing a new Tactical DMR weapon and updating the active Reality Augments.
Tactical DMR
The new Tactical DMR can now be found in all loot pools, including competitive playlists for both Battle Royale and Zero Build. Dealing similar damage to existing versions of the DMR, the latest allows players to increase the level of zoom seen through the scope.

Reality Augments Updated
Today's hotfix has updated the active Augments for Battle Royale and Zero Build:
- New: Ninja Training (increased movement speed when crouching)
- Unvaulted: Shrub Mud (become covered in mud when in bushes, leaf piles & tall grass)

Fortnite's next major update will arrive on October 10th, and is expected to introduce Fortnitemares 2023.
In other news, Epic Games has increased the price of V-Bucks in the United States, Japan and across Europe. Click here to see the new prices.
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