Fortnite has released the first hotfix update for Remix, introducing an Eminem-themed map location, Mythic weapon and more.
Spaghetti Grotto
The classic Grotto POI from Chapter 2 Season 2 has been remixed and transformed into 'Spaghetti Grotto'. Here, players will encounter the Eminem Boss, who, once defeated, drops the Mythic RG's Minigun and a vault Keycard. In addition to the standard vault loot, a unique Eminem-themed Llama can also be found hidden inside.

Loot Pool Update
Today's small update has also made changes to the Remix loot pool, adding the following items:
- RG's Minigun (Mythic)
- Grenade Launcher
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- Suppressed Submachine Gun
- Burst Assault Rifle
- Suppressed Assault Rifle
- Minigun
- Bouncer (Trap)

With this loot pool change, Creepin' Cardboard and the Bandage Bazooka have been vaulted.

Choppas Return
The Choppa vehicle has also been unvaulted in Battle Royale and Zero Build after accidentally returning earlier than planned last week.

In other news, Chapter 1 is returning to Fortnite in a new permanent gamemode. Click here to read more.
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