Following the v21.20 update earlier today, Fortnite has released the Indiana Jones Quests, which, upon completion, can be used to unlock the character and matching Set.
Indiana Jones Quests & Rewards
The Indiana Jones Quests below can be completed in any order. Completing Page 1 will reward players with the Indiana Jones Outfit.

Page 1
- Search 5 Chests at Shifty Shafts
Unlocks the Indiana Jones Banner - Deal 500 damage to opponents while riding in or standing on a vehicle
Unlocks the Rogue Archaeology Wrap - Use the Grapple Glove to swing off trees 10 times
Unlocks the Raider's Relics Pickaxe - Collect the Durrrburger Relic from the Temple and the Ruins in a single match
Unlocks the Expedition Bag Back Bling

Completing Page 2 of the Indiana Jones Quests will reward players with the Temple Explorer Style for the Outfit.
Page 2
- Find the secret door past the main chamber in Shuffled Shrines
Unlocks the Indy's Dustoff Built-in Emote - Stash an item of Mythic or Exotic rarity in a tent
Unlocks the Indy's escape Spray - Make Runaway Boulders roll for 100 meters in a single match
Unlocks the Doctor Jones Emoticon - Deal 750 damage to opponents with a Pistol
Unlocks the First Misadventure Loading Screen - Finish top 5 in a match
Unlocks the Emergency Raft Glider

The Indiana Jones Quests will remain available in-game until Chapter 3 Season 3 ends on September 18th, 2022.
In other news, Dragon Ball Z is coming to Fortnite soon. Click here to read more.
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