Fortnite has re-added multiple Item Shop sections to the API, meaning they will be available very soon. Eight existing sections have also been removed and will not return to the Item Shop until the next API refresh.
Re-added Item Shop sections
The following Item Shop sections have been re-added to the API and will return very soon:
- King James (LeBron James)
- Marvel
- Pgod's Locker
- Summer Favourites

Removed Item Shop sections
The following Item Shop sections have been removed from the API and will not return anytime soon:
- Sparkles_QT's Locker
- Sommerset's Locker
- Naruto
- Balenciaga
- Spider-Man Zero
- Uncharted
- Rainbow Royale

The 'Summer Favourites' section, which was re-added to the API, will contain a collection of summer cosmetics from previous Seasons. Last time the section was available, it included Beach Bomber, Surf Witch, Heist, Beach Brutus, King Flamingo, Summer Drift, Beach Jules, Scuba Crystal, Boardwalk Ruby and Midsummer Midas.

We'll keep you updated if any additional sections are changed.
In other news, the new 'Anime Legends' Pack has been revealed. Click here to read more.
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