Update (06/07/2022): The Port-A-Fort has now been unvaulted in patch v21.20.
Original article:
A number of new Quests that require players to use the Port-A-Fort item have been found in the files for Week 5 of Chapter 3, Season 3.
The item, which hasn't been available in Battle Royale since December 2020, remains unchanged. Here's an early look at the new Quests that use the Port-A-Fort:

The Week 5 Quests are set to go live in-game on July 7th, with the Port-A-Fort item expected to be unvaulted before then. We'll keep you updated.
If you forgot what the Port-A-Fort does in-game, you can watch the original gameplay trailer below:
In other news, 11 new Outfits have been leaked in the v21.20 update. Click here to check them out.
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