Fortnite has re-added multiple Item Shop sections to its API, meaning they will be available very soon. Five existing sections have also been removed, suggesting Epic doesn't plan to bring those Sets back to the Item Shop for a while.
Re-added Item Shop Sections:
- S.T.A.R.S. Team
- El Chapulín Colorado
- Wu Wear (new)

Removed Item Shop Sections:
- Silk Sonic
- Chloe Kim
- Cobra Kai
- Jordan
- Turn The Music Up

The 'Wu Wear' section, which was added to the API today, will contain the new Wu-Tang Clan cosmetics; featuring two Outfits, two Bundles and more.

We'll keep you updated if any additional sections are changed.
In other news, Fortnite has announced the next Soundwave Series event for April 29, 2022.
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