Leaked Item Shop Sections - April 20th, 2022

Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. Power Shong's Locker Bundle and the new 'How Sweet!' Emote will both be available in the next rotation.

Here's a preview of the Item Shop for April 20th, 2022:

Power Shong's Locker

  • Shadow Ops Outfit (1,500 V-Bucks)
  • Astral Axe Pickaxe (1,200 V-Bucks)
  • Burning Beast Glider (1,500 V-Bucks)
  • Daydream Emote (800 V-Bucks)
  • Power Shong's Locker Bundle (??? V-Bucks)

  • How Sweet! Emote (??? V-Bucks)
  • Cosmetics unknown

Daily Items

  • Cosmetics unknown


  • Lyric Outfit (1,500 V-Bucks)
  • Wilder Outfit (1,500 V-Bucks)
  • Festival Shredder Pickaxe (800 V-Bucks)
  • Neon Biter Pickaxe (800 V-Bucks)
  • Finfin Flair Wrap (500 V-Bucks)
  • Rocking at Coachella Bundle (2,800 V-Bucks)

In other news, Epic has announced FNCS for Chapter 3 Season 2.

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