The Fortnite v25.20 update brings you the Grind Vines, Wild Pod Plants, and Item Shop Portal devices, plus new options and functions for the Barrier, Beacon, and Prop-O-Matic devices. In addition, the Creative Inventory and UEFN Content Browser have new weapons, consumables, and assets. Remember, you can now find bug fixes for Creative, UEFN, and Verse in our documentation on the Epic Developer Community site.
Upgraded Devices Reminder
Epic would like to provide an additional reminder for an upcoming change to Creative islands using upgraded devices by default.
For some time now in Creative, you have been able to manually convert your islands to upgraded devices, by going to the Tools tab of My Island and clicking the Upgrade Devices button. Starting in a future update, Creative islands will use upgraded devices by default. These devices are the same ones used by UEFN and provide improvements over the original devices, including:
- Direct numerical input
- Color pickers
- Additional features on some devices
New Devices
Grind Vines
The new grind vines from Battle Royale’s Wilds Season are now available as a new device. The Grind Vines device is similar to the Grind Rails device, but does have a couple new options for visual variation.
Wild Pod Plants
Three new plants from Battle Royale’s Wilds Season are now available as devices:
You can customize the behaviour of these plants in several ways: whether it launches a projectile or explodes on impact, whether it regrows automatically or only when an event occurs, and so on.
Item Shop Portal
The new Item Shop Portal device gives your players a way to access the Item Shop without leaving your island. This new device is only available on Creative islands converted to use upgraded devices, as well as UEFN islands.
Device Updates
New Options for Prop-O-Matic
New options have been added to the Prop-o-Matic Manager device:
- Ping Hidden Props On Interval: Determines if the device pings the location of hidden players.
- Disguise Animation Duration: Set how long it takes for a player to enter a disguise.
New Functions for Beacon
The Beacon device has new functions you can use to manually control whether a beacon is shown to a player:
- Add Player to Show List: Adds the instigating player to a list of players that can see the Beacon.
- Remove Player from Show List: Removes the instigating player from the list of players that can see the Beacon. The player will still be able to see the Beacon if they are on a team that is able to see the Beacon.
- Remove All Players from Show List: Removes all players from the list of players that can see the Beacon. Players will still be able to see the Beacon if they are on a team that is able to see the Beacon.
New Options for Barrier
The Barrier device has new options and functions you can use to allow some players to walk through a Barrier device's zone. This can be done either by team, class, or manually for each player using the device's functions. Combining Hollow and Box versions provides you with more choices for locations where you want to exclude certain players, such as at spawn points.
New options:
- Ignore Team: The Barrier ignores all players on the selected team, as well as those players' cameras.
- Ignore Class: The Barrier ignores all players assigned the selected class, as well as those players' cameras.
New functions:
- Add Player To Ignore List: Adds the instigating player to the list of players to ignore. This is in addition to the Ignore Team and Ignore Class lists.
- Remove Player From Ignore List: Removes a specific player from the list of players to ignore.
- Remove All Players From Ignore List: Removes all players from the list of players to ignore. Players will still be ignored if they are on the team selected in the Ignore Team option, or if they are assigned the class selected in the Ignore Class option.
Square Thumbnails Coming to Discover Soon!
Epic has announced plans to improve the way content is displayed in Discover by changing the Thumbnail tile size. You can now upload a square thumbnail (1024x 1024) in addition to your existing tile, so you'll be ready for the transition to the new thumbnail size later this year.
Verse Code Snippets
Looking for some Verse code you can drop into your game? Check out these new Verse code snippets!
- Snippet for creating a generic stack class in Verse: A stack is a data structure that lets you store elements and retrieve them in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) fashion.
- Snippet for converting a floating point number to a string: This is a utility function for converting a floating point number to a string truncated to the specified decimal places.
New Items in Creative and UEFN
Prefab & Gallery Updates
- Ch4 Jungle Boulder Gallery
- Ch4 Rock Platform Gallery
- Ch4 Jungle Nature Gallery
- Ch4 Jungle Prop Gallery
- Kapok Tree Gallery
- Rumble Ruins Floor & Stair Gallery
- Rumble Ruins Wall & Roof Gallery
- Shady Stilts Building A
- Shady Stilts Building B
- Rumble Ruins Temple A
- Rumble Ruins Temple B
- Cyber City Building G
New or Returning Weapons
- Mammoth Pistol
Camera Rig Rail and Crane are in UEFN!
Use the Camera Rig Rail and the Camera Rig Crane in Sequencer to animate your camera. This will let you have more control over the camera and more nuance in your camera movement.
Custom VFX on Collectible Pickup in UEFN
When using a Collectible Object device, you can now create custom Niagara VFX and add it to a collectible item when it's picked up.
Verse Now Supports Global Variables
You can now store and access data in a global variable using Verse, that's only global for each island instance. Previously, you couldn't define a module-scoped variable, but now you can if it has the type `weak_map(session, t)`, for any type `t`.
To enable this, Epic has introduced a new `weak_map` type, similar to the existing `map` type, and a new `session` class and `GetSession()` function to be able to get a reference to the current session for accessing global variables.
The following example shows how to set a global integer variable and access it.
var GlobalInt:weak_map(session, int) = map{}
X := if (Y := GlobalInt[GetSession()]) then Y + 1 else 0
set GlobalInt[GetSession()] = X
Global variables have the following limitations:
- You can only access values for the current session you are in, not any other session.
- The `weak_map` cannot be completely read or written to, so it's not possible to read or override values for all sessions.
- You cannot iterate through the values of a `weak_map` or see how many sessions are currently active, because a `weak_map` has no length.
Source: Fortnite
In other news, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney says Travis Scott is "welcome in Fortnite". Click here to read more.
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