Fortnite's v26.10 update introduces a new Mythic ability, adds more Reality Augments and makes changes to existing items.
My Hero Academia Returns
Putting your enemies on ice has never been easier: get your hands on Todoroki’s Ice Wall item and you’ll gain the power to summon glacial shields on a whim! The Ice Wall has a massive pool of Health to protect you and your party from harm, and it won’t melt until it’s been completely destroyed. Because it’s so durable, be sure to choose your placement carefully!

While the Ice Wall boasts enormous defense capabilities, it’s plenty useful when attacking too. Drop one in the midst of a brawl and watch as everyone is knocked back with icy feet, causing them to slip and slide around. The Ice Wall item will be available until the end of the Season, giving you plenty of time to master its chilling effects.
How can you wield Todoroki’s powerful quirk in the first place? Ice Walls can be found from the ground, regular and Rare Chests, or All Might Supply Drops:

From the hero who always bounces back, Deku’s Smash has returned! This powerful ability can one-shot foes all the way from Delaware to Detroit if used properly.
Of course, there's only one man who can grant the legendary power of One For All. To get your hands on Deku’s Smash, you’ll need to crack open an All Might Supply Drop! Deku’s Smash will be available until v26.20.

Saving the world isn’t easy, but completing Quests is a bit more doable. Complete Deku’s Quests and Todoroki’s Quests for XP. For completing six total My Hero Academia Quests, you’ll instantly level up!

Loot Pool Changes
Hungry for something pipin’ hot? Piper Pace is on the case, having delivered unvaulted Pizza Party boxes all across the Island. Inside each box sits eight gloriously cheesy slices to share with your party, or you can scarf ‘em all down while you hole up in a bush.

Each Pizza Party slice will restore Health and Shield simultaneously. The recipe’s been changed up a bit, though, as each slice now restores less Health but more Shield, with the Shield cap being 100.
The Pizza Party item can be bought from Piper Pace, picked up off the ground, or looted from Chests. To accommodate Pizza Party’s return, Slap Splash has been vaulted.
Reality Augment Updates
Whether you’re catching some rays down at Relentless Retreat or chilling in luxury over at Sanguine Suites (assuming you’ve defeated all the guards), there’s a delicious pie with your name written all over it. Activate the Game Time Reality Augment to instantly receive a Pizza Party plus a thirst-quenching pack of Chug Splash!

Are you one to unload the full clip? That’s what automatics are for, after all. Activate the Reckless SMG Reload and let your shots fly quicker than ever! This new Reality Augment causes SMGs to reload faster whenever you reload on an empty clip.

Competitive Notes
- The Ice Wall, Deku's Smash, and All Might Supply Drop are not included in tournaments.
Major Bug Fixes
- The Beautiful 'Bow Emoticon is now back in owners' Lockers.
- Spending Bars by rerolling Reality Augments will now progress the Quests for the Caper and Alias Outfits.
- Swapping weapons while interacting with a Vault Display Case will no longer cause the display case to become impossible to interact with.
- Survivor Medal progress goals will no longer get stuck at 9/10.
- On PC, players will no longer stop auto-running when alt-tabbing out of Fortnite.
- Gyro controls are no longer reversed on Android.
In other news, 45 upcoming Fortnite Outfits have been revealed in a new Epic Games survey. Click here to read more.
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