Wielding the ancient power of Pandora’s Box, Marvel's armored despot Doctor Doom has transplanted his Latvarian domain to the Battle Royale Island and seized a foothold with his army of loyal henchmen. Once his empowered armor is complete, he’ll reap total control. Doctor Doom and his lieutenants must be defeated! Whatever it takes.
Power Without Limit
With the power of Pandora’s Box, Doctor Doom has begun to establish his kingdom on the Island. Several new POIs dot the map with new foes:
Castle Doom

Dark shadows from Castle Doom loom over the Island, and its forge burns red as each metal clank rings ever closer to the completion of Doctor Doom's impervious new armor.


Doomstadt is a peaceful and prosperous village full of happy, productive citizens... under penalty of Doom.

The Raft

In a bid to recruit like-minded allies, Doctor Doom has summoned The Raft to the Island, a prison for supervillains and extraterrestrial threats.

Doctor Doom’s henchmen have begun excavating the Island in search of artifacts. When downed, they can be persuaded to have a change of heart and fight alongside you. Everyone deserves a chance to do the right thing!

Lock In, Lock On, Fire Away
It’ll take a whole lot of firepower to stop Doctor Doom’s assault. Luckily, our heroes brought the heavy munitions.
Dual Micro SMGs

Two guns are better than one — embrace the spray with the Dual Micro SMGs to make quick work of your adversaries. Rendezvous with Gwenpool to pack the potent pink Mythic version!
War Machine's Arsenal, Shoulder Auto Turret & Hover Jets

It’s time to step into the cutting edge of human-platform weapon systems. Unleash a hailstorm of bullets and rockets at your enemies with War Machine’s Arsenal, shoulder-mount War Machine’s Auto Turret for supporting fire, and turn the tide of battle from above with War Machine’s Hover Jets.

Wield Arms & Medallions

Your rivals best prepare for their… doom. Hit them with pinpoint accuracy by taking aim with the hair-trigger Monarch Pistol! Find and defeat the Doombot in the Castle Doom throne room to bag the Mythic version and the Siphon Medallion, which grants Health and Shield Siphon from eliminating opponents.
Sovereign Shotgun

Also surgical when aiming down sight is the new lever-action boomstick: the Sovereign Shotgun! Claim victory over Mysterio in Doomstadt for the Mythic version and his Stealth Medallion, which gives temporary invisibility while crouched.
Striker Burst Returns

The Striker Burst Rifle returns in moddable form. Recapture The Raft prison and defeat the pristine Emma Frost to obtain the Mythic version and her Reveal Medallion. This Medallion occasionally reveals the location of nearby enemies!
Doom's Gauntlets & Captain America's Shield

Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets, which drop from Doombot at Castle Doom, are back and better than ever for raining havoc from the palms of your hands. A suitable counter is charging into battle with Captain America’s Shield, unvaulted and updated with new capabilities.
(Note: Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets are not included in tournaments.)
Jarvis, Open My Weapons Cache

Don’t forget the tools already at your disposal! You've seen some of the unvaulted weapons already, but here's all of them and the carried-over ones:
- Captain America's Shield (from Chapter 1's Endgame LTM)
- Doom's Arcane Gauntlets
- Striker Burst Rifle
- Striker Assault Rifle
- Combat Assault Rifle
- Ranger Pistol
- Hammer Pump Shotgun
- Gatekeeper Shotgun
- Hyper SMG
- Shockwave Grenade
Reload Updates

Updates for Fortnite Reload are in the works and planned for release later this Season! More will be shared in the months ahead.
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