Fortnite Season X: Smash & Grab Mission

Weekly Missions are a new feature in Season X that replaces Weekly Challenges, and they can only be completed by Battle Pass owners.
Players can "...unlock rewards by completing a series of thematic objectives that will send [players] on adventures across the island." Each week, a new Weekly Mission will open up and will possess a Standard and a Prestige version of the objectives in that week's Mission - the Standard Missions will house basic objectives while the Prestige Missions will add some complexity to the basic objectives found in the Standard Missions. Prestige Missions can only be completed after players finish the Standard Missions.
Here are the objectives to be completed for the Smash & Grab Mission.
Standard Mission
- Search a chest within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus (3)
- Land at a Hot Spot in different matches (3)
- Deal damage within 30 seconds after using a Launch Pad (100)
- Search 2 chests within 30 seconds of each other (3)
- Pick up a Legendary item in different matches (3)
- Search a Supply Drop within 10 seconds of it landing (3)
- Deal damage to opponents at Hot Spots (200)
- Complete any 1 objective: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete any 2 objectives: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete any 3 objectives: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete any 4 objectives: 5,000 XP
- Complete any 5 objectives: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete any 6 objectives: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete all 7 objectives: Trophy Sack Back Bling (Epic)

*Battle Star rewards are converted into XP for players who have already completed the Season X Battle Pass. Rewards granting 5 Battle Stars are converted into 500 XP while rewards granting 10 Battle Stars are converted into 1,000 XP.
Prestige Mission
- Search a Chest and an Ammo Box within 30 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus (3)
- Destroy Loot Carriers within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus (3)
- Eliminate an opponent within 30 seconds after using a Launch Pad
- Search 3 chests within 30 seconds of each other
- Pick up 3 Legendary items in a single match
- Collect 100 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus
- Eliminate an opponent at a Hot Spot (3)
- Complete any 1 objective: 1,000 XP
- Complete any 2 objectives: 1,000 XP
- Complete any 3 objectives: 1,000 XP
- Complete any 4 objectives: Rust Lord Spray (Uncommon)
- Complete any 5 objectives: 1,000 XP
- Complete any 6 objectives: 1,000 XP
- Complete all 7 objectives: Hunter Color for X-Lord Outfit, Spiked Satchel Back Bling, and Fang Saws Harvesting Tool