Fortnite has teamed up with PlayStation once again to bring players an exclusive tournament with big prizes to be won. Like the previous PlayStation Cups, the latest edition is set to give away over $100,000 in prizes.
The PlayStation Cup is a Duos competition with two rounds. Round 1 is an open competition and players will have 3 hours to compete in a maximum of 10 matches to earn as many points as possible. Round 2 will only be available to the top 100 players in each region from Round 1 and will only consist of 6 matches in total, with the top performing players earning a prize in each region.
All players who earn at least 8 points will be rewarded with the new 'Give It Up' Emoticon.

The Points format for Round 1 of the PlayStation Cup is as follows:
Victory Royale: 25 Points
2nd: 22 Points
3rd: 20 Points
4th: 18 Points
5th: 17 Points
6th: 16 Points
7th: 15 Points
8th: 14 Points
9th: 13 Points
10th: 12 Points
11th: 11 Points
12th: 10 Points
13th: 9 Points
14th: 8 Points
15th: 7 Points
16th: 6 Points
17th: 5 Points
18th - 19th: 4 Points
20th - 21st: 3 Points
22nd - 23rd: 2 Points
24th - 25th: 1 Point
Each Elimination: 1 point
The Points format for Round 2 of the PlayStation Cup is as follows:
Victory Royale: 32 Points
2nd: 28 Points
3rd: 26 Points
4th: 24 Points
5th: 23 Points
6th: 22 Points
7th: 21 Points
8th: 20 Points
9th: 19 Points
10th: 18 Points
11th: 17 Points
12th: 16 Points
13th: 15 Points
14th: 14 Points
15th: 13 Points
16th: 12 Points
17th: 11 Points
18th: 10 Points
19th: 9 Points
20th: 8 Points
21st: 7 Points
22nd: 6 Points
23rd: 5 Points
24th: 4 Points
25th: 3 Points
26th - 30th: 2 Points
31st - 35th: 1 Points
Each Elimination: 3 Points
For more information, check out the official blog post from the Fortnite Team.
In other news, Fortnite is celebrating International Women's Day with free Items. Read more here.
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