Weekly Quest Guide: Season 5, Week 11

Here's a guide on how to complete all the Quests from Week 11 of Season 5! This week's quests are all based around the 'Hearts Wild' Event.

Fishstick's Quest:
Catch different kinds of fish to find a Hearts Wild date for Fishstick.

You can catch at least 3 different kinds of fish at any location.

Fishstick's Quest:
Serve Fishstick and his date a fancy dinner at any restaurant.

Fishstick's Quest:
Find a rose at Steel Farm or The Orchard.

Grimbles' Quest:
Collect Grimbles love potion from Fort Crumpet, Coral Cove or Stealthy. Stronghold.

Big Chuggus' Quest:
Deliver the love potion to Slurpy Swamp.

Lovely's Quest:
Collect Chocolate Boxes from Pleasant Park, Holly Hedges or Retail Row.

Lovely's Quest:
Help Lovely celebrate hearts wild.

Cuddle King's Quest:
Deal Damage to Opponents with Crossbows.

You can find Crossbows anywhere in the normal loot pool.

Stay tuned on our Twitter and Instagram for additional updates on the release of new Quests and Challenges.