Clint Barton and Kate Bishop join Fortnite in latest Marvel collaboration
1 min read

Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, the main characters from Marvel's Hawkeye show on Disney Plus, have arrived in the Fortnite Item Shop along with a new set of cosmetics.

The Hawkeye Set
- Clint Barton Outfit
- Kate Bishop Outfit
- Hawkguy's Arsenal Back Bling
- Kate's Quiver Back Bling
- Taut Slicer Pickaxe
- Pickross Bow Pickaxe
- Aerial Archer Glider
- Hawkeyes Loading Screen

The cosmetics can be purchased through the new Hawkeye Bundle, which also includes a Bundle-exclusive Loading Screen, or individually.

Click here to view the full Item Shop.
We compared Chapter 1 Tilted Towers with Chapter 3. Click here to read.
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