Fortnite has released the second part of the Star Wars 'Find the Force' Quests, giving players the chance to earn another Sith Holocron. Once part 3 becomes available next week, players will be rewarded with the Sith Infiltrator Glider for collecting all 3 Holocrons.

Begun The Clone Wars Have Quests
- Visit Clone Trooper checkpoints (3)
- Obtain a DC-15 Blaster in different matches (3)
- Force Jump onto or off a Grind Rail (1)
- Travel distance on Grind Rails (200)
- Complete or evade Bounties (2)
- Get air time in a vehicle (30)
- Drive distance on a motorcycle (327)
- Use a Force ability against a vehicle (1)
- Knock down a Timber Pine with a Force Ability or Lightsaber (1)
- Visit different named locations (9)
- Damage enemy players with a DC-15 Blaster or assault rifle (500) [3 parts]
- Use Force abilities against opponents (5) [3 parts]

All Find the Force Quests will remain available until May 23, 2023.
In other news, Fortnite has been added to the Olympic Esports Series 2023. Click here to read more.
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