Fortnite has released the final part of the Star Wars 'Find the Force' Quests, giving players the chance to unlock the Clone Trooper and - for those who purchased the Premium Track - Darth Maul Outfit.

The First Galactic Empire Quests
- Visit Moment's Rest and Restful Retreat (2)
- Catch a fish (1)
- Gain shields (200)
- Restore health (75)
- Light a campfire (1)
- Search ice machines, coolers or produce boxes (3)
- Spend bars (150)
- Thank the bus driver (3)
- Swim distance (250)
- Unlock chests with keys in different matches (2)

All Find the Force Quests will remain available until May 23, 2023.
In other news, the release dates for every Fortnite Season until February 2024 have been leaked. Click here to read more.
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