Fortnite officially reveals the League of Legends Set

Fortnite has officially revealed the new 'Arcane: League of Legends' set of cosmetics ahead of their official release on November 4.
The iconic character is coming to Fortnite as part of Riot's month-long 'RiotX Arcane' event, celebrating the launch of animated series Arcane on Netflix. The set was officially revealed by streamers Ninja and Grefg on-stream, with a blog post going live at the same time.
The new set contains 7 cosmetics from the Gaming Legends Series;
- Arcane Jinx Outfit
- Jinx's Dream Monkey Back Bling
- Jinxed Spray
- Katchoo! Loading Screen
- Playground (Instrumental) Music Pack
- Pow Pow Crusher Pickaxe
- Wreaking Havoc Loading Screen

Click here to view each item from the set in detail.
The set's name 'Arcane: League of Legends' suggests that more League of Legends characters could be coming to Fortnite in the future, which is very possible as we've seen other Gaming Legend sets gain new cosmetics in the past.
The new League of Legends cosmetics will also be available to purchase in the Item Shop through a Bundle as well as separately, with the Spray and Loading Screens exclusive to the Bundle.

Both Ninja and Grefg are currently live on Twitch showcasing the Arcane Jinx Outfit and matching cosmetics in-game.

In other news, a new Desert location was recently leaked to be coming to Fortnite soon. Read about it here.
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