Fortnite Patch v26.10: What to Expect

Downtime for the first major update of Season 4 has been announced for September 12, 2023. Here's an early look at the patch notes for v26.10.
Tomorrow's update is expected to introduce a new DMR to Battle Royale and Zero Build. Originally spotted in the Season 4 Gameplay Trailer, the new weapon is set to replace the standard DMR in the loot pool.

Pizza Party
The Pizza Party consumable item will return to the loot pool with v26.10. New Quests that require players to purchase the item will go live later this week.

Battle Pass Bonus Rewards
New pages of Battle Pass Bonus Rewards will be added in the next update, giving players even more to unlock before the end of Season 3. The new pages will join the existing ones in-game under the 'Bonus Rewards' section of the Battle Pass.

New Reality Augments
New Reality Augments are expected to be introduced with v26.10. There's currently sixunreleased perks in the game files:
- Revamped Siphon (heals 0.8 health per shot)
- Ninja Training (increases movement speed by 1.3x when crouched)
- Farm Fresh (farm items give +10 extra healing)
- Marksman Crit (increases DMR headshot damage by x0.15)
- Trick or Treat (Halloween candy gives +10 extra healing)
- Witchy Warrior (Witch Broom cooldown is 20% faster)
[source: iFireMonkey]

Bug Fixes
The following bugs are confirmed to be fixed in tomorrow's patch, according to the official Fortnite Trello page.
Battle Royale Issues
- Auto Run stops working when Alt-tabbing
- The Vault Holo-Chests can sometimes become impossible to interact with.
- Quests involving spending Bars do not track correctly.
- Survivor Medal Bonus Goals do not track correctly.
- Heist music may continue to play for the remainder of the match.
In other news, 45 upcoming Fortnite Outfits have been revealed in a new Epic Games survey. Click here to read more.
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