Fortnite has released the first part of the Summer Escape Quests, giving players the chance to earn free rewards and additional Battle Pass XP.

The Quench Quests
- Gain shields (200)
- Collect an apple, banana, and coconut (3)
- Report back to Purradise Meowscles (1)
- Damage opponents within 45s of getting out of the water after swimming (100)
- Swim distance at Sunswoon Lagoon (75)
- Eat ice cream cones (5)
- Eliminate an opponent while under the effects of Frozen or Spicy ice cream cones (1)
- Restore health (200)
- Search chests (7)
- Sprint while under the effects of slap (200)
- Collect rare or better weapons (3)

Players must complete the 'Report back to Purradise Meowscles' Quest to receive the free Nanners Wrap. The Quench Quests will remain available until July 7, 2023.
In other news, Fortnite has revealed three new Transformers Outfits. Click here to read more.
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