Leaked Item Shop - March 22, 2023
2 min read

Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The Let Them Know set and SypherPK Locker Bundle will replace the MamaBenjyFishy Locker Bundle and Woodland Wonders cosmetics in the next rotation.
Here's a preview of the Item Shop for March 22, 2023:
SypherPK's Locker
- Manic Outfit
- Burning Bright Wrap
- Close Shave Pickaxe
- Royale Dragon Glider
- SypherPK's Locker Bundle

Let Them Know
- Breakaway Boss Outfit
- Chip Challenger Outfit
- Field Favorite Outfit
- Free Kick Maverick Outfit
- Goal Guardian Outfit
- Mighty Midfielder Outfit
- Net Protector Outfit
- Penalty Patroller Outfit
- Red Card Renegade Outfit
- Tackle Man Outfit
- Top Trophy Back Bling
- Fan Fervor Emote
- World Class Pickaxe

Raccoon City Survivors
- Leon S. Kennedy Outfit
- Claire Redfield Outfit
- Leon's Combat Knife Pickaxe
- Umbrella Parasol Pickaxe
- Raccoon City Survivors Bundle

Special Offers & Bundles
- Ned the Eternal Pack
- Anime Legends Pack
- Marvel: Royalty & Warriors Pack
- Corrupted Legends Pack

Featured Items
- Unknown cosmetics [x8]

Daily Items
- Unknown cosmetics [x6]

In other news, Epic Games has officially announced a release date for the Unreal Editor for Fortnite. Click here to read more.
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