More Star Wars skins will be coming to Fortnite's item shop shortly after the recent Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker event that happened in-game earlier today. The skins will be of Kylo Ren and Zorii Bliss, who is a new character for the new film.
Kylo Ren Skin In-Game! (i'll show the cape later) pic.twitter.com/3v3JtWByih
— HYPEX - Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX) December 14, 2019

It's unknown what time these skins will hit the shop, but they are expected to appear at the usual reset time at midnight UTC. Prices and rarities are also unconfirmed, but you can stay tuned to Fortnite Daily for when the shop resets.
Right now, lightsabers and blaster rifles are in-game, with major login issues affecting playercount both during and post-event.
Source: HYPEX and Skin-Tracker