Fortnite has released the official Creative/UEFN Patch Notes for today's v25.10 update, giving us a look at what's new.
In-Game Creator Code Update
Coming this Wednesday, your Creator Code will be displayed on all of your Island Pages across Discover, and on your Creator Page. The bug showing your Account Display Name has been fixed. Players can now more easily find content associated with you and your Creator Code!
Device Updates
New Options for the Upgraded Conditional button
The upgraded version of the Conditional Button device now has the "Requires Holding Item" option. This means the instigating player must be holding one of the items registered with the device in order to pass the condition. If no items registered with the conditional button can be held (for example, if they're all resources), the test will always fail.
New Option for the Item Granter
The Item Granter has a new “Grant on Game Start” option, which determines whether items are automatically granted when the game starts.
New Options for the Hop Flower Bouncer
Two new options have been added to the Hop Flower, located inside the Bouncer Gallery device. These options give creators greater control over how much momentum is maintained when a player or vehicle is bounced by the flower.
- Maintained Momentum
- Maintained Vehicle Momentum
New Options for the Upgraded Guard Spawner
Several new options have been added to the upgraded version of the Guard Spawner device. These new options allow for a more controlled experience.
- Show Spawn Radius
- Use Device Spawn Rotation
- Play Spawn Visual Effect
- Use Alertness
There are also new functions and events for the Guard Spawner:
- Force Attack Target
- On Alerted
- On Target Lost
- On Suspicious
- On Unaware
- On Eliminating
- On Damaged
Load and Unload Regions in UEFN using World Partition
In UEFN, using World Partition, you can now load only the regions you are working on to increase the viewport responsiveness and frame rate. This greatly enhances the performance of UEFN as you edit your project, especially when working on large projects with multiple collaborators.
New Option in the My Island > Settings Tab
In the My Island settings, the new “Edit Mode - Enable Vehicle Damage” option gives you the choice of whether or not vehicles cause damage while you are editing your island. This helps you avoid unintended changes caused by vehicle damage to structures or the environment while you are editing.
New Items for Creative and UEFN
New Weapons
- Cloak Gauntlets
- MK-Alpha Assault Rifle
New Consumable
- Boar Hair
UEFN Asset and Device Updates
- AI Patrol Path Node Device: New events and device options exposed to Verse.
- New Jungle Landscape Materials
UEFN’s Audio Player has two new options to further customize gameplay:
- Stereo Spread
- Sync Player Audio
New Gameplay Example: Escape Room Key Mechanics
Interested in making an escape room? Epic's newest Gameplay Example, Escape Room Key Mechanics, shows you how to use triggers and a prop manipulator to spawn a key that can be used to escape the locked room. This mechanic is easily modified to use in a number of ways. Check it out now!
New Island Templates
Verse Stronghold Template
The Verse Stronghold template helps you create a game mode that showcases AI, with the goal of having players eliminate all hostile enemies at a heavily guarded Stronghold.
Deserted: Domination Template
The Deserted: Domination template is a domination-style game where players battle to capture objectives in two team
New AI Features Added to the Verse API
The AI module in Verse has been added to, so you can now take control of a NPC and give them a navigation command, such as:
- Looking at a certain location with the new `focus_interface`.
- Moving to a certain area and staying within it with the new `fort_leashable` interface.
- Navigating to a specific location or waiting on the current location with the `navigable` interface.
New Verse API for Creative AI Devices
The following devices have new events and functions added to the Verse API:
- AI Patrol Path device
- Guard Spawner device
- Creature Spawner device
- Wildlife Spawner device
Most of these interaction events already exist in Creative, but they only return one of the agents involved in the interaction. In Verse, you now have access to all agents involved in the interaction. For example, when a guard has detected a player, you know which guard and which player.
In other news, Fortnite has released a free Nike Air Max Back Bling to celebrate the launch of Airphoria. Click here to read more.
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