The Fortnite v22.30 update brings the Battle Royale Island to Creative! Using the four special devices that are preplaced on this starter island, you can create a customized Battle Royale experience of your very own. v22.20 also includes a significant UI improvement for the Spatial Thermometer memory system, new Prefabs and Galleries from The Convergence as well as other updates and bug fixes for devices, Prefabs, and Galleries.
Battle Royale Island

There's a new starter island: the Battle Royale Island! With this starter island, you can use special devices to create a custom Battle Royale experience with the current version of the Fortnite Battle Royale Island. This starter island will also automatically update whenever the Battle Royale map changes, so you won't have to update it manually every Season.
While you won't be able to directly edit the Battle Royale Island, you can use a selection of other Creative devices, in addition to the devices specifically for the Battle Royale Island, to create a unique experience for your players.
Note: Experiences created with the Battle Royale Island are not currently eligible for monetization. This means Support-A-Creator (SAC) features are disabled, and that creator codes are not allowed to be advertised in experiences using the Battle Royale Island.
Here are the new devices you can use to create your custom Battle Royale experience. These devices are preplaced on the island, and they cannot be moved or deleted. They can only be used on the Battle Royale Island.

Loot Controller Device
The Loot Controller device provides loot options for Battle Royale experiences. Select from a subset of classic loot packages and determine where they are placed, then customize the frequency or presence of Rare Chests and floor loot (also known as ground loot).
Map Settings Device
The Map Settings device controls which things spawn on the map (such as vehicles, wildlife, and Target Bots) for Battle Royale experiences.
Deployment Device
The Deployment device controls how players are deployed for Battle Royale experiences. Choose from Battle Bus or Rift deployment, and customize a variety of options related to player spawning on the Battle Royale Island.
Storm Caller Device
The Storm Caller device determines the size, position, and phases for the Storm. Whether the Storm grows, shrinks, or moves around — it's all in your hands now!
Using Creative Devices in the Battle Royale Island
Along with the new Battle Royale-specific devices mentioned above, you can also use a number of existing Creative devices by placing them on the starting platform area. Use the Battle Royale Device category in the Creative inventory screen Devices tab to see all the devices you can use. Additionally, you can still use most of the My Island settings to change the rules and look-and-feel of your game.
Note: Target Bots are treated as players by Creative devices, not as AI enemies.
Known Issues
The Battle Royale map in Creative is considered to be in an open beta state. Here are some known issues that Epic hopes to address in upcoming releases:
- Unpublished islands don’t reset without reloading. For the time being, if you’re in your Gold Portal, always click Return to Island after playing to make sure the map resets correctly between games.
- There is currently no support for the Reboot Van or Reboot Card.
- There is currently no Bounty Board control.
- Island Backup currently has some stability issues.
- Parties of more than four players may have issues joining games together.
- Only published islands will get the proper, slow motion Battle Royale game end. Currently, games on unpublished islands end with the default Creative game end.
- Quests and Map Discovery are currently disabled.
- Accolades are currently disabled due to a bug with the Accolade device.
- Starting a match using Target Bots on an unpublished island can cause a significant pause while the bots are initializing.
- Players on the Android platform might experience instability due to an intermittent out-of-memory issue.
- Resetting an island will currently remove the preplaced devices. Instead of resetting, we recommend creating a new island, then deleting the existing one.
Spatial Thermometer Heatmap
The Map UI now features a heatmap for the Spatial Thermometer that can display hotspots of memory more accurately by using a color gradient, as well as displaying numbers in a cell when the cell's memory usage is 80K or higher. You can toggle the heatmap between three different modes:
- No Heatmap
- Heatmap without Memory Values
- Heatmap with Memory Values
These modes affect the minimap as well. Toggle between the modes with the Thermometer shortcut (press T if you're on a PC) while in Fly mode. We hope to provide a more convenient way to access the feature in the future, so stay tuned for further updates.
For more information, see the updated Spatial Thermometer page in the official Creative documentation.
UI Improvements
- Start screen improvements: The pre-game start screen has been updated for games made using the Creative toolset. The Start button can now be used to start private games before the timer expires. Additionally, the start screen now shows the privacy setting for the game being played.
- Game Info screen improvements: A new Overview tab has been added to the Game Info screen for islands created and published using the Fortnite Creative toolset. This tab shows the creator's description of the game and allows the player to like and favorite the game. It also provides access to functions like Respawn and Reset Persistence.
Other Updates
Prefab & Gallery Updates
- Added four Prefabs and five Galleries from The Convergence
- Added the Alternate Lights Prop Gallery, which provides some unlit and always-lit versions of existing light props.
Device Updates
- Melee Designer: All options that have numeric values can now have those values typed into the field directly, instead of requiring that you click arrows to select one.
Island Updates
- New My Island Setting in the UI tab: Time Alive For Team Tracking Method
Bug Fixes
Prefab & Gallery Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Shooting Range Gallery where the When Hit Transmit On option was failing to transmit to other devices when targets were hit.
- Fixed an issue where the Food Box appeared empty when users placed the Chest and Ammo Gallery device.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Racetrack Gallery F and Racetrack Gallery C to contain mismatched racetrack pieces.
- Fixed an issue where Collectible Items in the Collectibles Gallery were resized when selected.
- Fixed bugs that were causing the Canyon Island assets to float.
- Fixed an issue involving the Air Vent Gallery Air Vent not functioning correctly when the Visible In Game option was set to Yes.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't walk through the large window in the Fish Apartments Prefab.
- Fixed a draw distance issue with the rug in the Hunter’s Haven Prop Gallery.
- Fixed the preview volume size for the Musician Prop Gallery.
- Fixed the Shooting Lane prop from the Impostors Weapons Lab so that it now takes the appropriate amount of damage.
- Fixed some wall and terrain Z-fighting issues in the Colossal Crops Gate House Prefab.
- Fixed an incorrect resource issue with some front-row assets in the Impostors Weapons Lab Prop Gallery.
- Fixed an issue where player-built structures would destroy the large Paradise balloons from the Balloon Prop Gallery.
- Fixed an issue in the Cloudy Condos Shops A where a rotating floor created incorrect pathing.
- Fixed an issue in the Cloudy Condos Wall & Roof Gallery A where a prop wall was used instead of a standard building wall.
- Fixed an issue where the damage indicators and resources were missing from the planter assets in the Hunter’s Haven Prop Gallery.
- Fixed an issue where a wall in The Rig Gallery A was incorrectly rotating within the Gallery.
- Fixed an issue with the color tooltip UI description on primitive and glass assets.
- Fixed multiple individual asset icons in the Creative inventory to show the asset more clearly.
- Fixed a texture issue with props from the Boney Burbs set.
- Fixed a resource material issue with the large broken rock asset from the Dusty Diner Prefab.
- Fixed an issue where the Water Cube asset from the Deserted Fortress Prefab wasn't showing the correct highlight material when it was selected with the phone tool.
Device Fixes
- Fixed an issue where creators were unable to select, copy, cut, multi-select or pick up vehicle devices that had the Visible During Game option set to Off.
- Fixed an issue where the values for vehicle spawner device options were not persisting between game versions.
- Fixed a bug where the SAC device's button didn't have an interact delay.
- Fixed an issue where the Skydome bounding box was much larger than the device.
- Fixed an issue where the Barrier Plate device had two non-functional Zone Shape options in its Customize panel.
- Fixed a bug where the Paint Brush icon couldn’t be selected in the Player Counter device’s Customize panel.
Island Fixes
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect icon was displayed for the Prop Hunt Template Island in the Game Creation menu.
- Fixed an issue where there was floating grass near the cave entrance of Survival islands using the Caves Starter Island.
Gameplay Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Prop Mover devices could not be reactivated in a round if they were activated in a previous round in matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue where Octane vehicles could drive through the island boundary.
- Fixed a bug where using the Octane vehicle to collide with another player caused the collided player's animations to look incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where disabling the Game Start Countdown did not remove the buzzer.
- Fixed an issue involving the existence of duplicate Epic and Legendary Heavy Shotguns that guards could equip, which were weaker than the correct weapons.
Click here to read the Patch Notes for Battle Royale.
In other news, the new Polo Ralph Lauren x Fortnite Set has been revealed. Click here to read more.
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