Fortnite's v19.40 update has arrived with some big changes and additions to Save the World.
Introducing Wildlife
"Good news! The Wildlife of the land has begun to adapt to The Storm's forces and are now re-emerging into the environment. The flip side of this good news though… Some of the local Wildlife aren’t very friendly- yet. Confronting these beasts is very dangerous, but learning how to work with them may be the key to fighting back against The Storm.
Use bait to make friends with the Wildlife, or take the more defensive approach.. And by that I mean hide in the shadows while they pick their own fights with the Husks. Either way, the day is ours!"
Players can also tame aggressive creatures by throwing a consumable like meat, corn or mushrooms to them, whilst slowly approaching and interacting with the animal. Wolves, Raptors, Boars, Chickens, Crows and Frogs have all been introduced to Save the World after their original debut in Battle Royale.
Brawl of The Wild Questline
"The Homebase Crew needs your help in dealing with the outbreak of Wildlife! Hunt them, tame them, electronically communicate with them (you'll have to ask Dennis about that one). Do whatever it takes to adjust to our new furry neighbors. Completing this Questline will reward you with the mysterious wolf lady, Gia!"

- Standard Perk: Vital Bond
- Tamed Wildlife heals the player for 15% their damage, on attack. - Commander Perk: Vital Bond+
- Tamed Wildlife heals the player for 30% times their damage, on attack. Heroes heal their Tamed Wildlife for 15% their damage, when they deal damage.
Battle Hound Jonesy Unleashes into the Event Store (March 6)
Battle Hound Jonesy
"I have a bone to pick with The Storm" - Battle Hound Jonesy
- Standard Perk: Rucksack
- Increases Frag Grenade maximum charges by 1 - Commander Perk: Rucksack+
- Increases Frag Grenade maximum charges by 4

"Teleporting Husks are a-door-able… but their elements? Not so much! Strange doors appear near the enemy spawners. When husks get near one of these doors they are teleported to one of the exit doors closer to your fort. Beware! Husks that travel through these doors gain elemental effects."

Staredown Southie Gazes into the Event Store (March 13)
Staredown Southie
"Yeah I'm staring at you...Got a problem with that?" - Staredown Southie
- Standard Perk: Bear Stare
- T.E.D.D.Y fires lasers (from his eyes!) every 2 second(s), dealing 23 base energy damage. - Commander Perk: Bear Stare+
- T.E.D.D.Y fires lasers (from his eyes!) every 2 second(s), dealing 48 base energy damage.

The Cram Sessions
- Level-up and evolve your favorite items during the Cram Session mini-event.
- For the duration of the event, Mini-Boss Mission Alerts will drop additional XP, Evolution Material, RE-PERK, or PERK-UP rewards instead of one.
- Mini-Boss Mission Alerts will continue to drop Tickets.
- Added four series of quests, each of which has ten stages that grant increasingly better one-time rewards upon completion. (Hero/Schematic/Survivor XP, Evolution Materials, PERK-UPs, or Gold).
- Cram Session will be available from March 13 through April 4.
The Robo-Kevin Pack

"I have been upgraded" - Robo-Kevin
Homebase’s triangular technologist has made the ultimate upgrade to his favorite nifty gadget - himself.
"The Robo-Kevin Pack brings a new Hero and Outfit, the Whirrr Backbling, the Power Pick Pickaxe, the Robo-Kevin Challenges and access to Save the World. These exclusive Save the World challenges will earn you 1,000 V-Bucks and 1,000 X-Ray Tickets."
Read the Patch Notes for Battle Royale here.
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