Fortnite has released the Patch Notes for Save the World's v24.00 update later than usual - five days after its release. The v24.00 update in Save the World brings Weeks 8 and 9 of Wargames: Meltdown and Double Trouble! v24.00 also includes an update to Homebase names, the Cram session mini-event, and a new Starter Pack.
Wargames Week 8: Meltdown
Wargames’ Week 8 begins Thursday, March 15, 2023, at 8 PM ET. Your Storm Shield has gone critical and is emitting a growing radiation field. This radiation causes visibility issues and deals damage to players while in direct contact.

Wargames Week 9: Double Trouble
Week 9 of Wargames begins Thursday, March 22, 2023, at 8 PM ET. There are two indestructible Golden Smashers with cycling modifiers loose in your fort. If that doesn’t sound terrifying enough, their ill temperament switches between attacking Heroes and the fort.

Homebase Naming Update
Homebase names have been removed in the v24.00 update. Epic says they're "now consistently using your Epic display name across the game instead".
Battle Pass XP Update
The following changes to Battle Pass XP are now live:
- Quest XP has been reduced slightly.
- Mission XP (and the daily cap) have been increased.
- XP for Wargames Dailies was changed so that only the first daily quest you do rewards XP.
Time for a Cram Session
Level up and evolve your favourite items during the Cram Session mini-event:
- For the duration of the event, Mini-Boss Mission Alerts will drop additional XP, Evolution Material, RE-Perk, or Perk-UP rewards.
- Adding four series of Quests, each of which has ten stages that grant increasingly better one-time rewards upon completion. (Hero/Schematic/Survivor XP, Evolution Materials, PERK-UP!s, or Gold).
This Cram Session will be live from March 15 at 8 PM ET to April 5, 2023

New Starter Pack - Ned the Eternal
Grab the new Ned the Eternal Pack to unlock the Endless Ned Outfit, Kevin Back Bling, Ned-Al Detector Pickaxe, and Ned the Eternal Challenges. Earn up to 1,500 V-Bucks by completing Challenges!

Event and Weekly Store
Staredown Southie - March 15 at 8 PM ET

- Standard Perk: Bear Stare (T.E.D.D.Y. fires lasers (from his eyes!) every 2 seconds, dealing 23 base energy damage)
- Commander Perk: Bear Stare+ (T.E.D.D.Y fires lasers from his eyes every 2 seconds, dealing 48 base energy damage)
Four Leaf Wildcat - March 22 at 8 PM ET

- Standard Perk: Grenade Generation (Every 45 eliminations, gain 1 Frag Grenade charge)
- Commanders Perk: Grenade Generation+ (Every 20 eliminations, gain 1 Frag Grenade charge)
The Highland Warrior Wildcat - March 29 at 8 PM ET

- Standard Perk: Pull the Pin (Decreases Frag Grenade Energy Cost by 33%)
- Commanders Perk: Pull the Pin+ (Decreases Frag Grenade Energy Cost by 83%)
Bug Fixes
A number of bug fixes were included in the v24.00 game update, including:
- Fixed an issue that caused Plants in Shield Defence maps to not award loot.
- Fixed an issue that caused footstep audio to play the same audio no matter what type of terrain or structure was being walked or running on.
- Fixed an issue where Mantle UI was missing.
In other news, Supply Drops have been removed from Fortnite. Click here to read more.
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