Season 6 - Week 8 Challenges available now

Week 8 has finally arrived, which means it's time to complete a whole new set of challenges. Like the past weeks, this week's challenges are pretty straightforward.

Free Challenges

  • Stage 1: Visit Lonely Lodge and Retail Row in a single match (0/2) -> Stage 2: Visit Junk Junction and Pleasant Park in a single match (0/2) -> Stage 3: Visit Flush Factory and Fatal Fields in a single match (0/2) -> Stage 4: Visit Haunted Hills and Lazy Links in a single match (0/2) -> Stage 5: Visit Tomato Temple and Shifty Shafts in a single match (0/2)
  • Dance with a fish trophy at different named locations (0/7)
  • Six Shooter or Heavy Assault Rifle Eliminations [HARD] (0/2)

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Get a score of 3 on different Clay Pigeon Shooters (0/3)
  • Get  Trick Points in a vehicle (0/250,000)
  • Visit different Named Locations in a single match [HARD] (0/4)
  • Stage 1: Use Grappling Hook [HARD] (0/1) -> Stage 2: Use Launch Pad [HARD] (0/1) -> Stage 3: Use a Rift [HARD] (0/1)
Week 8 Cheat Sheet (via @ItsEnergie