Fortnite Season X: Summer Slurp Mission (Limited Time)

Limited Time Missions are a new feature in Season X that have replaced Daily Challenges, and they can be completed by all players.
The Summer Slurp Mission is the seventh of these Limited Time Missions, and is now available for players to complete. This Mission contains a total of 7 objectives yielding 7 rewards, each of which unlocks daily at 9:00am ET (13:00 UTC). This Limited Time Mission is scheduled to expire on Thursday, September 19th @ 9:00am ET (13:00 UTC), so be sure to complete it before time runs out! This post will keep you updated when a new objective & reward become available.
Last Update: Objective #7
unlocked on September 18th, 2019
- UNLOCKED (9.12.19): Explosive weapon eliminations (1)
- UNLOCKED (9.13.19): Use different trap slot items (2)
- UNLOCKED (9.14.19): Search a Chest, Ammo Box, and Vending Machine in the same match
- UNLOCKED (9.15.19): Deal damage with Shotguns to opponents (500)
- UNLOCKED (9.16.19): Land at Frosty Flights or Haunted Hills in different matches (3)
- UNLOCKED (9.17.19): Deal damage with Pistols to opponents (200)
- UNLOCKED (9.18.19): Search Chests at Greasy Grove or Sunny Steps (7)
- Complete any 1 objective: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete any 2 objectives: 500 XP
- Complete any 3 objectives: Summer Slurp Loading Screen (Uncommon)
- Complete any 4 objectives: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete any 5 objectives: 1,000 XP
- Complete any 6 objectives: 10 Battle Stars*
- Complete all 7 objectives: 2,000 XP

*Battle Star rewards are converted into XP for players who have already completed the Season X Battle Pass. Rewards granting 5 Battle Stars are converted into 500 XP while rewards granting 10 Battle Stars are converted into 1,000 XP.