The 'Original Trilogy' Star Wars set has returned to the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time.

Available for a total of 4,900 V-Bucks across two Bundles, the Original Trilogy set contains the following cosmetics:
- Luke Skywalker Bundle
- Han Solo & Leia Organa Bundle
- Luke Skywalker Outfit
- X-34 Landspeeder Glider
- Slugthrower Rifle Pickaxe
- Han Solo Outfit
- Leia Organa Outfit
- Lil' Speeder Bike Emote
- Electrostaff Pickaxe
- Vibro-staff Pickaxe
- R2-D2 Back Bling
- Millennium Falcon Back Bling
- Training Remote Back Bling

The cosmetics are expected to remain available for a few days.
To view the full Item Shop for today, visit fnbr.co/shop.
What do you think of the Original Trilogy set? React below!
In other news, the Exotic Chug Cannon has been removed from Fortnite. Click here to read more.
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