Item Shop

Featured cosmetics from Fortnite's Item Shop, updated daily.

Skull Squad Pack returns to the Fortnite Item Shop

The Skull Squad Pack has returned to the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. Available for $19.99/£15.99, the Skull Squad Pack contains…


Kroatomist's Locker Bundle available now

The new Kroatomist Locker Bundle, which includes five cosmetics hand-picked by the streamer, is now available in the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. Available…


Wu Wear returns to the Fortnite Item Shop

After 121 days, the Wu Wear Set has returned to the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. Available for 3,200 V-Bucks across two Bundles,…


New Crossmark Operative Pack available now

The new Save the World Pack for Season 4 is now available in the Item Shop early. To find it, head to the Item Shop tab…


New Alien Abduction Bundle available now

The new Alien Abduction Bundle is now available in the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. Available for 2,500 V-Bucks, the Alien Abduction Bundle…


Windwalker Echo returns to the Fortnite Item Shop

The Uncommon Windwalker Echo Outfit has returned to the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. Photo by @Rasori10Last seen 151 days ago, the Wildwalker Echo…


New Jiggle Jiggle Emote available now

The new Jiggle Jiggle Icon Series Emote is now available in the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. Available for 500 V-Bucks, the Jiggle Jiggle…


New Volcanic Assassin Bundle available now

The new Volcanic Assassin Bundle is now available in the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. After originally being available to PC players for free,…
