Following the v22.30 update earlier this week, Fortnite has released The Herald's Quests, which, upon completion, will award players with the character and matching set.
The Herald Quests & Rewards
Players who complete three of the Page 1 Quests will unlock The Herald Outfit.

Page 1
- Ignite 50 structures
Unlocks the Epitaph Edge Pickaxe - Eliminate 10 opponents
Unlocks The Herald's Leer Spray - Deal 500 damage to opponenets while Chrome-ified
Unlocks a Herald Banner Icon - Team 2 Chrome-ified Wildlife creatures
Unlocks the Fading Ember Cloak Back Bling

Completing all Quests on Page 1 will unlock Page 2 of The Herald Quests.
Page 2
- Destroy 50 objects with the Explosive Goo Gun
Unlocks the Reality's Master Emote - Get Chrome-ified while driving
Unlocks the Chrome-gratulations Emoticon - Talk with 3 Characters and deliver The Herald's warning
Unlocks the Nothing is Happening Loading Screen - Eliminate 2 opponents at airborne locations
Unlocks the Heraldic Wrap - Land at Herald's Sanctum and place top 10 in the match
Unlocks the Burning Ember Style for The Herald Outfit

The Herald Quests will remain available in-game to owners of the Chapter 3 Season 4 Battle Pass until December 3, 2022.
In other news, players can now unlock the Pickle Rick Back Bling in Fortnite for free. Click here to read more.
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