Fortnite leak pages cease operations after Epic Games shuts down notorious leaker FNBRLeaks

Update: FNBRLeaks was not shut down for datamining or leaking, but for promoting file modification tools, click here to read more.

It happened. After months of cracking down on leakers, Epic Games have sent a cease-and-desist letter to notorious Fortnite leaker @FNBRLeaks, whose real name is Preston. FNBRLeaks was the most popular figure in the community that was known entirely for his leaks.

Preston had leaked Item Shops through data-mining, showcased upcoming cosmetics, and more. He isn't the only figure to do this - there are thousands of accounts that specialise in data-mining the files of the game. It's possible that Epic Games shut down FNBRLeaks both to chop off the head of the snake and to scare other leakers into closing up shop.

It's clearly working, with notable leakers such as The1Jaren and ShiinaBR stopping leaking "indefinitely". Epic Games are known for protection of their property - suing a 14-year-old boy earlier this year for cheating in-game, and suing an ex-employee for leaking details to press about the Season 4 Meteorite.

It's likely that one of the main leaks that got The1Jaren shut down was their Gifting leaks, in which they modified in-game files to unlock the upcoming feature. This is possibly one of Epic Games' major arguments against him that they would've used in court if he did not cease operations. We have yet to find out what exactly Epic Games would have used against Preston (FNBRLeaks), but they would have had a huge case against the pair.

We at have leaked a lot of Fortnite content in the past, however we have sourced the leakers who have done so. Our most notable leaks were brought to us from an anonymous source, which means that we ourselves are just reporting the news. Our page is and always will be dedicated to news over leaks - we do not advertise ourselves as Fortnite leakers, and will never do so.

Reading that cease-and-desist letter; we're happy that Preston was not sued in a court of law and was only told to cease operations, but are saddened that we will not see him again in such a manner online.

We had our Support-a-Creator code revoked last week for unknown reasons, however we only report the news - not break it. We are no different from YouTubers and other press outlets who source other leakers, therefore we are hoping Epic Games will understand that. You'll notice almost all of our leak articles begin with "data-miners have found".

There is yet to be a way for Epic Games to hide files fully from data-miners, so it's guaranteed that some pages will still be operational until they are cracked down upon.

Source: Eurogamer