Fortnite Bans Players who used Kinetic Blade Exploit

Epic Games has issued temporary account bans to Fortnite players who exploited a glitch that allowed enemies from anywhere on the map to be eliminated with the Kinetic Blade. The issue resulted in the weapon being vaulted from all competitive playlists.
The banned players disconnected their internet during a match, attacked enemies with the Kinetic Blade, then reconnected their internet. Once the server registered the hits all at once, attacked players were instantly eliminated without seeing what happened.

Players who have never received an account strike before were only given a warning message, but those who have been warned in the past were banned from the game for 24 hours. This isn't the first time Epic has issued account bans for exploiting, and it certainly won't be the last.
Although Epic removed the Kinetic Blade from competitive modes, the bug can still be exploited in regular playlists. Doing so will result in a ban.
In other news, Epic Games has teamed up with Revolution Beauty to release a Fortnite-themed collection. Click here to read more.
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