Fortnite Item Shop Disabled ahead of Big Bang Event

Epic has unexpectedly disabled Fortnite's Item Shop for the first time in the game's history today.
The sudden removal of the shop comes following the failure of today's cosmetic rotation. With the shop refresh for December 2nd, the previous day's items were removed, but nothing new took their place. The store was almost empty, filled with only the Crew Pack section - and OG Pass tiers for players who have not bought that Bundle.

Players expected the shop to be fixed within minutes, but this was not the case. Instead, Epic completely disabled the Item Shop for all players, saying this was done to "fix some issues".

Since the introduction of Fortnite's OG Season in November, the game has experienced more issues with the Item Shop than ever before. Some days would see the amount of items sold in a single rotation reduced to just one, others would have incorrect section labels, and some would even fail to allow purchases.
At the time of writing, the Fortnite Item Shop remains offline. Epic has since followed up their original announcement, noting, "while [they] continue to bring the Item Shop back online, players may notice their purchases fail to complete and the number of offers fluctuating over the next few hours". Fortnite's Item Shop has never felt so unstable.
With the Big Bang live event set to happen later today, on December 2nd, we're expecting to see the Item Shop "fixed" in some way before then. Stay tuned to the official Fortnite Status X page for further updates.
In other news, Fortnite has age restricted over 400 cosmetic items. Click here to read more.
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