Fortnite Patch v23.20: What to Expect

The second major update of Chapter 4 is expected to be released tomorrow, on January 17th. Here's an early look at the patch notes for v23.20.

Midseason Drop 3

With the v23.30 update, the third Midseason drop will become available to Battle Pass owners. Players are required to earn ten account Levels for each Outfit, with the next one becoming available once the previous has been unlocked. This week's Midseason drop will reward players with the 'Ember Armor' Style for the Doom Slayer Outfit.

All Midseason Drops will remain available until march 11th, 2023.

Weapon Unvaulted

It's likely that Fortnite's v23.20 update will follow the pattern of recent hotfixes and unvault a random weapon. There's currently no clues as to which weapon this could be, but recently the Burst Assault Rifle, Heavy Shotgun and Rocket Launcher have all returned.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are confirmed to be fixed in tomorrow's patch, according to the official Fortnite Trello page.

Battle Royale

  • The 'Party Time' Augment is disabled
  • The 'Aerialist' Augment is disabled
  • Firing a weapon while sprinting and jumping may not register the hit
  • Opening the Map or Quests while using Split-Screen causes the 2nd player's view to turn black


  • Wildlife takes fall damage with fall damage set to 'off'
  • Prop Mover behaviour is inconsistent
  • Placing a prop and switching to the pickaxe at the same time places an invisible prop
  • Players can build in Mutator Zone Devices with "Allow Building" set to "No" in certain instances
  • Prop may turn green while selecting after placing them under terrain
  • Tiles can become invisible in colour switch game modes

Save the World & Mobile

No known bug fixes have been announced for Save the World and Mobile in v23.20.

As always, we'll be sharing the official patch notes once they go live after the update.

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