Fortnite Reboot Rally: Free Cosmetics Available Now

Fortnite has launched the new Reboot Rally event, rewarding players who return to the game after 30 days or more of inactivity. The latest Reboot Rally features cosmetics from the new 'Nyanjitsu' set.

A total of four Nyanjitsu cosmetics can be unlocked through the event by completing challenges with a friend who has played less than two hours of Fortnite in the 30 days leading up to May 1, 2023. To get started, head to the friends tab in-game and follow the instructions listed in the Reboot Rally section.

Reboot Rally Rewards

Collect points from Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals to earn the following rewards:

  • 50 points: Lucky Grin Emoticon
  • 100 points: Nyanstoppable Wrap
  • 150 points: Yoki Tote Back Bling
  • 200 points: Three-Claw Pickaxe

Players can join and complete the campaign from now until 9AM ET on May 30, 2023.

In other news, Fortnite has been added to the Olympic Esports Series 2023. Click here to read more.

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