Fortnite Season 7 - Week 7 challenges & cheat sheet
1 min read

The seventh week of Season 7 is already upon us and another set of challenges is now available to complete. This time around you'll be visiting expedition outposts and destroying X-4 Stormwings. Here's what you need to do:
Free Challenges
- Visit all Expedition Outposts (7)
- Use a Rift or Rift-To-Go in different matches (3)
- Pistol eliminations (3)
Battle Pass Challenges
- Stage 1: Land at Salty Springs (1)
- Search chests at Loot Lake or Frosty Flights (7)
- Destroy flying X-4 Stormwings (1)
- Stage 1: Damage opponents in a single match (200)
Here's a cheat sheet from @itsenergie to help you out: