Fortnite secretly unvaults the All Terrain Kart Vehicle

Fortnite has secretly re-added the 'All Terrain Kart' vehicle to the game after not being seen in Battle Royale for almost 3 years.
With the v18.40 update, Fortnite unexpectedly unvaulted the first "vehicle" to be added in Battle Royale; the Shopping Cart. With the Island "destabilizing fast", another old vehicle, the All Terrain Kart, was randomly spotted by players in-game today with no mention of the return from Epic. The Kart was originally introduced over 3 years ago in v5.00 and removed from Battle Royale in v8.00, remaining only in Creative mode.

Fortnite has yet to officially announce the vehicle's return so it's currently unknown if the unvaulting is intentional or a mistake. We'll keep you updated if anything changes or if something else gets unvaulted!
In other news, a new Xbox-Exclusive set is coming to Fortnite soon. Click here to read.
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