Fortnite was the Most Downloaded Free Game on PlayStation in August

PlayStation has revealed lists of the most downloaded games for August 2023. According to the data, Fortnite was the most downloaded free-to-play game in the EU, US and Canada on both the PS4 and PS5 systems.

via PlayStation

For the sixth month in a row, Fortnite was downloaded more than any other free game, beating Warzone, Overwatch 2, Fall Guys, Rocket League and The Sims 4. The launch of Fortnite's latest Season, Chapter 4 Season 4, increased download numbers, keeping the game at the top of the rankings. With a new Fortnitemares event set to happen in October, it doesn't look like Fortnite will slow down anytime soon.

Source: PlayStation

In other news, 21 new cosmetics have been leaked following the recent v26.10 update. Click here to read more.

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