Mxddy's Locker Bundle Revealed, Available May 29
Streamer Mxddy has announced that her own Locker Bundle will be available in the Item Shop from May 29, 2023.
Mxddy's Locker Bundle includes the following cosmetics:
- Adeline Outfit
- Skully Sceptre Pickaxe
- Glowsticks Emote
- Dynamic Fire Wrap
- Butter Barn Hoedown Music Pack
- Angular Chic Back Bling
The price The price of the new Bundle is currently unknown, but it's estimated to cost around 2,800 V-Bucks, which is a discount of 700 if each item was to be purchased separately. Players who already own items from the Bundle will receive a discount relative to the value of each owned cosmetic. According to Mxddy, the Bundle will arrive in the Item Shop rotation for May 29, 2023.
In other news, every Featured Item Shop until June 11th has been leaked. Click here to read more.
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