Rift-Jector Seat Augment Temporarily Disabled

Due to an issue, the Rift-Jector Seat Augment has been disabled in all modes.
We've disabled the Rift-Jector Seat Reality Augment for the remainder of Most Wanted. Players may still discover the Augment if they haven't yet unlocked it. pic.twitter.com/keT23jAAWp
— Fortnite Status (@FortniteStatus) February 17, 2023
Rift-Jector Seat is now the fifth Augment to be disabled due to issues in the past month. The Aerialist, Party Time, Shotgun Striker and Shadow Strike perks were also recently removed from the game. Today, the Rift-Jector Seat Augment was removed as it worked too well. Since players who are 'Heat Level 4' regenerate shield quickly, by the time they had been rifted and landed, their shield would be broken again and they would instantly rift. The perk will remain disabled for the rest of Fortnite's Most Wanted event while the Heat Level is still active in-game.
The Augment will return with the release of the v23.50 update on February 28th. We'll keep you updated.
In other news, Fortnite accidentally banned competitive players, leaving them unable to compete in FNCS. Click here to read more.
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