Leaked Item Shop - September 11, 2023
Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The Goalbound set will replace the Banner…
Leaked Item Shop - September 10, 2023
Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The Boundless set will return in the…
Leaked Item Shop - September 9, 2023
Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The Spider-Verse and Banner Brigade sets will…
Fortnite v26.00 Hotfix - Shield Breaker EMP, Sticky Grenade Launcher and more
Fortnite released the first hotfix for Season 4 earlier this week, introducing the new Shield Breaker EMP Grenade, Sticky Grenade Launcher and more Reality Augments. Shield…
Leaked Item Shop - September 8, 2023
Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The Wrap cosmetics will return in the…
New Bust a Move Icon Series Emote Available Now
The new 'Bust a Move' Icon Series Emote is now available in the Fortnite Item Shop for a limited time. 0:00/1×Available for…
Leaked Item Shop - September 7, 2023
Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The Let Them Know set will leave…
Leaked Item Shop - September 6, 2023
Fortnite has added tomorrow's Item Shop sections to the server, giving us a preview of what will be available. The new Setty Locker Bundle will replace…