Fortnite's daily Item Shop updates often see the return of the same cosmetics regularly, making it easy to predict what will be sold in the future. We've created a list of all Outfits, Emotes and Pickaxes that are predicted to return to the shop within the next week of rotations.
Predicted Outfits
The following Outfits are predicted to return to the Item Shop within the next week of rotations:
- Cobb
- Mincemeat
- Lil Whip
- Dazzle
- Tender Defender
- Big Chuggus
- Insight
- Malice
- Dominion
- Oppressor
- Adeline
- Shiver
- Manic
- Madcap
- Dark Bomber
- Toon Meowscles
- Pepper Thorne
- KAWS Skeleton
- Fox Fire
- Belle Berry
- Musha
- Red Knight

Predicted Emotes
The following Emotes are predicted to return to the Item Shop within the next week of rotations:
- Star Power
- T-Pose
- Jubilation
- Where Ya Going?
- Mind Blown
- Hey Now!
Predicted Pickaxes
The following Pickaxes are predicted to return to the Item Shop within the next week of rotations:
- Cat's Claw
- Crimson Axe
- Double Tap
- Crescent Shroom
- Scarlet Sai
- Plasmatic Edge
- Ten-Ton Toon-Bells
- Fire Fangs
- Spellslinger
- Orbital Abductor
- Maceberry Mauler

All prediction data sourced from fnbr.co/predictions.
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