Fortnite officially reveals Gears of War cosmetics

Fortnite has officially revealed the new 'Delta-One' Set, featuring Gears of War cosmetics, which will be available in the next Item Shop rotation.
The Delta-One Set
- Marcus Fenix Outfit
- Kait Diaz Outfit
- Sonic Resonator Back Bling
- Reyna's Pendant Back Bling
- Breaker Mace Pickaxe
- Thumper Pickaxe
- Butcher Cleaver Pickaxe
- Skiff Glider

After purchasing the Marcus Fenix Outfit, playing on the Xbox Series X or S will grant you the exclusive Matte Black Style.
The new cosmetics will be sold separately and through Bundles once available in the Item Shop. The 'Kait & Marcus' Bundle will include the Emergence Hole Spray, which will be sold alongside the 'Emergence Gear' Bundle.

From December 9 at 9 AM ET to December 17 at 9AM ET, players will be able to complete the new Delta-One Quests to unlock the Crimson Omen Spray.
- Collect Three COG Tags
- Crouch Behind Barrier
- Damage Opponent with Melee Attack
- Do Shotgun Damage to an Opponent
- Collect Thrashball Memorabilia

Click here to view the location of every NPC character in Chapter 3.
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