Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 has finally arrived with a number of major changes to the Island, including two new named locations.
The following map changes have kindly been provided by FNAssist - check them out!
Spawn Island
As v21.00 was a seasonal update, Spawn Island has also received a redesign to match the main Battle Royale map.

The Battle Bus
The Battle Bus has also been given a party-themed makeover for Season 3, with a new orange paint job and unique balloon.

Reality Falls
Reality Falls is the first of two brand new named locations introduced in v21.00. It features a number of Chest and floot loot spawns, as well as the giant Reality Tree itself, which contains hollow passages that allow players to climb inside.

Rave Cave
Rave Cave is the second new named location introduced in v21.00. Based on Command Cavern, the cave that was once home to the Imagined Order has now been turned into a hub for parties, celebration and fun. It even includes the new 'Screwballer' roller-coaster, which uses Ballers to send players along the ride.

Greasy Grove
Although not a brand new location, Greasy Grove has received some major changes in v21.00. Since it's now part of the new Reality section on the map, the POI has been taken over by giant mushrooms, purple trees and blue grass.

Drill Hill
Season 3 has transformed The Fortress into Drill Hill, adding new buildings surrounding the now stuck IO Drill.

Under Construction
A brand new factory is currently under construction North of Logjam Lumberyard.

Tilted Towers
After it was partially destroyed in Season 2, repairs have now begun on Tilted Towers.

Loot Lake
Loot Lake has also been transformed into a hub for parties and fun in Season 3. Unlike Rave Cave (once Command Cavern), Loot Lake has kept its original name.

Reality Tree Roots
Roots from the Reality Tree can be seen all around the Island. Interestingly, they can be broken by players using a Pickaxe or weapon.

The Zero Point
Following the partial destruction of the Island during the Collision event, the Zero Point is now exposed once again - this time underwater.

Groovy Grove
Near Greasy Grove, Groovy Grove is an unnamed Landmark containing multiple giant mushrooms.

Next week's v21.00 hotfix is expected to introduce a number of smaller changes to the Island. We'll keep you updated.
Be sure to check out FNAssist, who kindly provided all the map changes seen above.
In other news, PlayStation has revealed the next Fortnite Celebration Pack. (click to read)
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