Fortnite has re-added multiple Item Shop sections to the game's API, meaning they will be available very soon. Some of the sections that have been re-added include Naruto, Ariana Grande and Moncler.
The full list of re-added sections is as follows:
- Moncler
- Naruto
- Loserfruit
- Ariana Grande
- Spacefarer Ariana Grande
- No Way Home
- Lucky Offers
- Goalbound
- Celebrating Women
The Lucky Offers section will contain the Sgt. Green Clover and Lucky Rider Outfits, along with the rest of the Green Clover Set in celebration of St. Patrick's Day on March 17, 2022.

Both the Ariana Grande and Spacefarer Ariana Sets were last available in the Item Shop over 120 days ago; on November 2, 2021.

Interestingly, the Loserfruit section was also added to the API; despite being available in the Item Shop just 40 days ago.

Additionally, a 'Celebrating Women' section was also added to the API and is expected to contain the new Leelah and Halley Outfits.

We'll keep you updated if any new sections are added.
In other news, the Chapter 3 Season 2 Starter Pack has been leaked. Click here to read more.
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