The new Cross Comms Pack is now available in the Item Shop for $3.99 / £3.19.

This is the second Starter Pack of Chapter 4, replacing the Metalcore Mina Bundle from Season 1. Purchasing the new Pack will grant you the Tegan Outfit, Love Thorn Back Bling and Lovelorn Pickaxe. Like previous Starter Packs, 600 V-Bucks are also applied to your account with the purchase.
To collect the set, head to the Item Shop tab in Fortnite and scroll to the 'Special Offers & Bundles' section. The cosmetics will remain available until Chapter 4 Season 3, which is expected to launch in June.
To view the full Item Shop for today, visit fnbr.co/shop.
What do you think of the new Pack? React below!
In other news, Epic Games has announced that remaking the Chapter 2, 3 and 4 Islands in UEFN is against Fortnite's rules. Click here to read more.
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